The opposition leader in Zimbabwe Nelson Chamisa is demanding a change in the name of his country.
He says the current name Zimbabwe is “cursed” and is to blame for the country’s economic woes.
Chamisa has vowed to rename Zimbabwe, should he win this month’s presidential elections.
“Zimbabwe cannot remain Zimbabwe because it has been turned into Zimbabwe ruins,” Chamisa told thousands supporters at a rally in the eastern city of Mutare on Sunday.
He says “The name Zimbabwe is cursed as you can see our national soccer team always lose matches; cricket team is always defeated, volleyball is always defeated.
New Zimbabwe reports that Chamisa revealed that “We will be renaming it to Great Zimbabwe in line with the greatness which is coming”.
Crucial elections
Zimbabwe’s President Emmerson Mnangagwa will face-off with rival Nelson Chamisa in this month’s poll.
Considered the biggest and crucial election in Zimbabwe’s political history, the two rivals will be seeking the mandate to re-galvanize the country.
The elections are coming months after the former President, Robert Mugabe exited power after a military takeover.

The younger generation who have known Mugabe all their lives are demanding a new era. They will be crucial in deciding who wins.
President Mnangagwa who is leading the Zanu-PF into the elections has campaigned promising new focus for the country.
He has promised to transform the economy and tackle corruption. But many doubt he can do things differently from what happened under Robert Mugabe.
His rival Chamisa of the opposition MDC is also pledging to revive the economy that has taken a nose dive.
Chamisa doesn’t think Mnangagwa holds the key to taking Zimbabwe to the next level.