Friday, October 18, 2024

Over 2 million Kenyans at risk of starvation

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Isaac Kaledzi
Isaac Kaledzi
Isaac Kaledzi is an experienced and award winning journalist from Ghana. He has worked for several media brands both in Ghana and on the International scene. Isaac Kaledzi is currently serving as an African Correspondent for DW.

Animal carcasses littered the fields and stench of dead animals pervaded the air in Kenya’s Marsabit County on Wednesday (February 1), the result of a prolonged period of drought which destructed forage for animals and made local population dependent on handouts to survive.

People in more than half of Kenya’s 42 counties face starvation due the cycle of famine related deaths brought about by ongoing drought that has seen an estimated 1.3 million Kenyans acutely food insecure and in need of assistance.

Residents are losing their animals in thousands due to lack of pasture and water and are forced to travel tens of kilometers for the valuable resource.

Kenya Red Cross has stepped in to try and mitigate the situation by carrying out a cash transfer to a population of about 340,000 who are in dire need of aid.

Kenya Red Cross Societies Secretary General Abbas Gullet says the organization is appealing for financial aid to a tune of one billion Kenya shillings (US$100m).

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“Of the one billion, 75 per cent of that is going on the whole issue of cash transfer because we want to give people cash,” he said.

The Governor of Marsabit Ukur Yatani, said that Marsabit is the most affected county in terms of the challenges of drought.

“We lost quite a number of livestock, over 60 percent, serious challenges of water, people are also starving, most schools are closed and the challenges are beyond the county government to manage at the moment,” he said.

The drought has seen prices of livestock drop as farmers compete to dispose them of before they are all dead.

Asha Ali, a resident of Marsabit said she had lost more than half her animals and was grateful the Red Cross came calling.

“Since we are out of pasture I will use some of the money for my livestock feed, some I will use for my household, the little I can save will be good for me,” Asha Ali said moment after receiving her cash.

Marsabit has experienced three failed rainy seasons and categorized as in alarming stage of drought.

Residents whose only wealth is animals, are hoping the rains will come soon but meteorological department is giving a grim picture urging residents not to expect rain anytime soon.


Source: Africanews

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