A Labour Force Survey (LFS) report conducted in 2015 by officials in Ghana showed that over one million Ghanaians above the age of 15 are jobless.
Ghana’s total estimated population of over 27 million is made up of 47.7% males and 52.3% females.
Citizens above the age of 15 according to Ghanaian officials can be employed but many of the 13.7 million people who are above the age of 15 remain without employment.
The Labour Force Survey however showed that some 14 million people are employed with paid employees are a little over 1.8 million.
The total unemployment rate for Ghana is 11.9 percent and it is higher for females (12.5%) that males (11.5%).
Ghana’s Services sector employs majority of Ghanaians up to about 48 percent while the agriculture come second with about 32 percent.
Ghana is currently implementing an economic program from the International Monetary Fund as it struggles to build its economy.

Source: Africafeeds.com