Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Opinion: Why you should not marry a teacher

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Isaac Kaledzi
Isaac Kaledzi
Isaac Kaledzi is an experienced and award winning journalist from Ghana. He has worked for several media brands both in Ghana and on the International scene. Isaac Kaledzi is currently serving as an African Correspondent for DW.

The demerits of marrying a teacher far outweigh the advantages. Teaching puts men at crossroads. For this matter, they can’t make good husbands. Here are the reasons why you should not marry a teacher.
1. They will carry papers in the house towards the end of the term or during midterm. All family outings and picnics will be cancelled. You will need to help hubby count and fill in some marks.
2. They will love their employers more than their job. They will refuse to look for another employer till the day their employers will stop loving them. They will be dumped and be jobless.
3. He will service many loans. One with mwalimu SACCO, a bank loan and another one with his school’s welfare.
4. Occasionally, he will go on strike depending on how Sossion and his people decide. He will go without pay for some months. In case you don’t have another source of income, you will have strungi and mkate bila siagi for breakfast. You will eat all the tasteless and whacky meals at this time.
5. He will have affairs with teachers on teaching practice, girls in his school if he’s teaching in a girl’s school or madams at his school. Of course he will be denied. You will have to show up at the school and tell the principal you swear to God you will kill his lover.
6. Sometimes, many children will come over for holiday or evening classes. You will cook food and have a hard time serving since their number exceeds the food you have.
7. All the people who don’t fancy education will not be your family friends. Especially those in showbiz like music, fashion and entertainment. They are not serious about life as your mwalimu husband will say.
8. You will not have beautiful paintings or sculptures on the wall. Thousand pictures of him on his graduation day will be on the wall.
9. Stories will be boring recalls of his days at the university. Or how some students fought, stole each other’s stuff or how some teachers are the principals puppets.
10. Your title will forever be “bibi ya mwalimu“(Assuming he will refuse to join politics or another profession).We all agreed sometime back that titles like: bibi ya mwanajeshi, MP, or CEO is more fancy.
11. You will break your back ironing his clothes for a whole week or months without fail. You will also run up and down the dry cleaners with his suits. Need I add that they will be cheap suits? Some oversize and common that every Tom, Dick and Harry wears? His poor sense of fashion will be shown in his other variety of cheap clothes and shoes.

12. If he is hot tempered, he will have fights with his workmates or even his boss. Over petty issues of course. This will be a way of showing all and sundry that hapendi ujinga. He may be transferred or even be disciplined for six months without pay.
13. Your mwalimu husband will have brushes with the law. He can conduct illegal holiday tuition or help students in exam cheating by smuggling books in the example room. As a loyal, loving and concerned wife, you will need to loan money to bail him out. Not to mention how you will need to take uji in a big green thermos and mandazi ya tano tano for baba watoto in custody.
14.He will be content with small achievements in life.He will take immense pleasure in saying how he helped students pass or achieve a certain mean score.He will do little or nothing to raise his own mean score financially, academically, or even in the bedroom.
15. Sometimes, you will be condemned to live in staff quarters. Since cheap is expensive, you won’t have your ideal house. You won’t modify the kitchen, bathroom or bedroom to your preferences. If he has many responsibilities, you will live there till he retires without buying a plot or land. What a nightmare! You can even go to shags and settle on his handkerchief piece of inherited land from his papa.
16. He will have three holidays in a year. That’s in April, August and November. You will be too familiar with each other. We all know familiarity breeds contempt and arguments.
17. Your children will be lectured, beaten and brain washed to believe that one achieves success in life through academic excellence. Not through sports or any other talent. If they can’t get straight A’s your husband won’t be amused.
18. He will bring you coconuts, lesos and even buy many books at the annual principals conference in Mombasa. You will be very happy not knowing whom he was with when selecting the things to bring you.
19. If he is an examiner, he will go for marking every end of year. He will stay away for long and bring very little money. Which he would have made within a short time if he did good business. I would tell you about the side shows in those marking centres. But I see teachers with stones. Again, only God above and these teachers know what they do.
20.Because he was among the first few people to go to university in his village, he believes that is an achievement. He despises all people who didn’t go to university. In case he’s a mathematics or sciences teacher, he will believe he’s smarter than Barack Obama.


Source: Standardmedia


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