Thousands of Liberians on Friday poured unto the streets of the capital Monrovia protesting against the George Weah government.
Dubbed “Save the State”, the protesters are demanding that President George Weah fights corruption.
Mr. Weah is also accused of ignoring the plights of ordinary Liberians who are impoverished.
Many of the protesters abandoned their vehicles to join the protest resulting in congestion on major roads.
In some areas shops and banks were closed with analysts saying this is one of the biggest mass protests in fifteen years.
President Weah has faced many challenges since becoming President. His government is still unable to find some missing $104 million bank notes.
In September last year news broke of the disappearance of the bank notes.
The disappearance of huge consignments of the money printed abroad in China and Sweden shocked many Liberians.

Although the containers, the money was kept inside left the port in the capital, Monrovia they could not be found.
There were agitations this year for the government to deal with the issue, but the money is still missing.
Liberians are hoping Friday’s protest will force the government to act this time round.
President Weah took over in 2018 promising to deal with corruption and fix the country’s ailing economy.