Hundreds of Malians took to the streets on Saturday to demonstrate over last week’s Presidential run-off election results.
Mali’s President Ibrahim Boubacar Keita was declared winner of the run-off which was disrupted by violence.
He won with 67.17% of the votes. His opponent, the opposition candidate Soumaila Cisse, won 32.83% of the votes.
But the opposition led by Cisse is disputing the results claiming fraud during the elections.
Saturday’s mass protest was to put pressure on the President and his government over the alleged electoral fraud.
Cisse, on Friday told reporters that he won the poll, dismissing the official results.
He said “If you exclude the results coming from proven ballot-box stuffing in many polling stations as well as far-fetched results in many northern towns, I won the presidential election with 51.75 percent of the vote”.

In 2013 president Keita, beat Soumaila Cisse in a second round of voting. He won then by 77% although the opposition disputed the outcome.
Cisse failed to secure the support or endorsement of other opposition parties.