A Gambian student studying in the UK has been denied a room by a London based landlord not because he could not afford the rent but because of African cooking.
According to UK media, the student, Ebrima Mboob asked to view a double room in central London, owned by Elina Vimbsone.
But when Vimbsone later realized that Mboob was from an African country, she refused to rent the room to him.
It was later revealed that Vimbsone who was initially enthusiastic about offering the room changed her mind because according to her African cooking ‘makes the house smell’.
The 24-year-old Mboob who is a performing arts student told Sun Online: ‘I was completely shocked at the landlord’s response and I still am today.
‘Growing up in England, I’ve experienced all types of racism, but this was the first time that I’ve experienced something this absurd.’

He said Vimbsone after agreeing to show him the rooms said “Oh, just seen your profile, it’s for European people only. Sorry mate…”
Mboob hit back saying “That’s the worst thing I ever heard”.
Ms Vimbsone then said ‘We are not racist… we have friends from Nigeria and all the house smells when they cook.”
Mr Mboob studies at University of the Arts London and originally comes from Gambia.
He said the incident has now made him self-conscious about cooking African food in case his housemates held similar attitudes.
Refusing to rent a property due to a person’s race is against the British law though.
Source: Africafeeds.com