Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Mali coup leaders appoint new prime minister

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Staff Writer
Staff Writer
Africa Feeds Staff writers are group of African journalists focused on reporting news about the continent and the rest of the world.

Mali’s coup leaders have named Choguel Kokalla Maïga as new prime minister after last week’s military takeover.

Transitional president Colonel Assimi Goïta who is leader of the coup named the new prime minister after ECOWAS suspended Mali.

The African Union also followed suit also suspending Mali from the group until civilian rule is restored to the country.

Mali’s new prime minister, Maïga is a leader of the 5 June-Rally of Patriotic Forces (M5-RFP) movement.

That movement took part in the overthrow of former President Ibrahim Boubacar Keïta last year.

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The former prime minister Moctar Ouane and former transitional president Bah Ndaw resigned last week after another coup.

They were accused of violating the transitional agreement after a cabinet reshuffle that saw senior military officers removed.

ECOWAS leaders ordered the military leaders to restore the transitional arrangement put in place in August 2020.

One of the main proposals from ECOWAS was for the Malian Military junta to work closely with the ECOWAS Secretariat to ensure that the existing transitional arrangement is restored by first appointing a civil Prime Minister to lead the process.

Mali is still expected to receive the needed support from ECOWAS and the international community towards returning to civilian rule.

African Union suspends Mali over political crisis


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