Thursday, July 25, 2024
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Egypt ancient city unearthed by archaeologists

The site may have been home to ancient Egyptian tomb builders. Photo Credit: EGYPTIAN MINISTRY OF ANTIQUITIES Archaeologists in Egypt have unearthed what they describe as...

Rapper Mos Def allowed to leave South Africa after apology

Rapper Mos Def. Photo Credit: Reuters   The American rapper known as Mos Def will be allowed to leave South Africa on Tuesday after he apologised...

Kanye West taken to LA hospital following disturbance call

West's current tour had been cancelled following an outburst at the weekend. Photo Credit: Reuters US rapper Kanye West has been taken to hospital following...

Must Read: Trevor Noah Lists Things Trump And Zuma Have In Common

South African comedian, television and radio host and actor Mr. Trevor Noah has launched another series of onslaughts on President Jacob Zuma and American...

Study reveals how often you should have sex based on your age

The age at which we have the most sex is in our late teens/early 20s. Photo Credit: Getty   Experts at the Kinsey Institute of Sex, Reproduction and...

Kenyan couple name their son Donald Trump

Baby Donald trump Otieno with his nanny at home Photo Credit: Nation Media Group     US president elect Donald Trump appears to be winning the hearts of...

Mauritanian clerics urge for blogger’s death penalty to be applied

Muslim clerics in Mauritania on Sunday urged the authorities to execute a blogger who was sentenced to death in 2014 for apostasy after writing...

Zimbabwe court drops charges against hunter who helped kill Cecil the lion

Piper Hoppe, 10, from Minnetonka, Minnesota, holds a sign at the doorway of River Bluff Dental clinic in protest against the killing of a...

Wole Soyinka to leave America following Mr. Trump’s election as 45th US President

Wole Soyinka is based in New York. Photo credit: AFP   Popular Nigerian and Nobel-Prize winning author Wole Soyinka has finally confirmed when he will exit...

[Video] US elections: Why Clinton has advantage over Trump with black voters

The 2016 American presidential election is just days away with front runners, Hilary Clinton and Donald Trump wrapping up with their campaigns. Donald Trump is...

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