Friday, March 14, 2025
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Opinions & Feature

Inside the mind of a cyber criminal

Cyber criminals come in many different flavours, but the majority of them are in it for one thing: financial pay-off. They want the money...

How Essential Are African Footballers to the Premier League?

The role of African footballers usually goes under the radar. A few of the best players stand out from the crowd, but the conveyor...

10 Best Profit-Making African Business Ideas

Despite the impact of the pandemic, the African economy is expected to increase this year, and the number of new millionaires on the continent...

Image Search – Search by Image to Find Similar Photos Online

The impression of multimedia has matured a lot in this last decade. We participate in reverse search image almost every day. Whenever a content creator...

TOP 5 water storage containers to keep in case of emergency

Water is a necessity for life. There are many other times when one overlooks this issue due to the belief that we have an...

Convert XLS to PDF Using PDFBear, a simple online tool

In today’s society, almost everything is electronic, and that includes documents and spreadsheets. Whether it is for business purposes or school purposes, you can...

Convert PDF to PDF/A To Preserve Your Files Longer

Technology evolves at a rapid pace, and what seems cutting-edge today could be outdated in a matter of years. With so much change happening...

5 online proofreading tools editors should have in 2021

No software would be able to replace a real-life editor that can physically point out your writing mistakes. However, there are sites and software...

Things to avoid when playing online slot

Since a lot of slot players have shifted to playing online games such as the Sweetie Land slot, the industry has become one that...

Mozambique: Looking to its past for lasting peace

The government of Mozambique has taken many approaches to end conflict and encourage economic development in the past fifty years. Colonial independence, nationalization, villagization, and...

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