Friday, March 14, 2025
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Opinions & Feature

Importance of Bodmas Rule

This mathematical rule specifies the correct order of operations to be used when answering a mathematical number sentence question with multiple operations. The first step...

Looking for a job? Apply for ReadyforWork career accelerator by SFAN

Stars From All Nations, the alternative education company that unlocks the potential of Africa’s young geniuses, has launched their long-awaited ReadyforWork career accelerator that...

Business Advancements to Look Out For in 2022

META: Read our list for all the tech that will make running a business easier. If you are running a business, you will know that...

Everything First-Time Home Buyers Need to Know

Congratulations on your first home purchase. This is a time filled with excitement and joy. As you get ready to move into the new...

8 Tips for Adults to Communicate With Their Parents

Parents often don't understand their children. It's hard for them to understand why their children chat with their friends instead of going out with...

The largest oral history project of global black doctors and nurses

The Armah Institute of Emotional Justice has announced that its flagship project, THE BLACK FRONTLINE has started gathering stories of 100 doctors and nurses...

Majority across G20 countries see Climate change as crisis

A major poll of public opinion on climate change in the G20 countries published today by the UN Development Programme (UNDP) and the University...

Africa Feeds’ Isaac Kaledzi selected for DW’s Constructive Journalism Fellowship

Africa Feeds founder, Isaac Kaledzi has been selected as one of the 15 talented media professionals from Africa and the Middle East for the...

Has digital killed the radio star?

Did you know that the first radio commercial aired in the USA on 28 August 1922? Now, close to 100 years later, brands are...

Sport has the power to boost conservation efforts in Kenya

Kenya’s wildlife is amongst the richest and most diverse on the African continent. Each year, the country’s national parks attract millions of domestic and...

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